What is the First Destination Survey?
The First Destination Survey is a brief online survey that asks upcoming and recent college graduates about their primary plan after graduating from UW-Madison.
This survey is for everyone—whether you are seeking a job, heading to graduate school, have already accepted a position, or are planning something else entirely. Even if you’re unsure of your post-graduation plans, fill out the survey now and update your response as things change.

Frequently Asked Questions
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
What does "primary plan after graduating" mean?
By primary plan, we typically mean your professional plan after graduation. It could be a job, graduate school, military service, service year/volunteering, and much more!
Here’s an example: You have a summer job lined up while you are waiting for a permanent teaching position to start in the fall. We ask that you report the teaching position as your primary plan.
How do I access the First Destination Survey?
You’ll receive email messaging from Career Services at UW-Madison encouraging you to complete the First Destination Survey. The survey is housed in 12twenty, a product owned and managed by UW-Madison. The emails prompting you to tak the survey will come from notifications@wisc.12twenty.com.
Here is an example of what one of the emails asking you to take the survey will look like.
You can also visit go.wisc.edu/gradplans to access the survey. You’ll be prompted to log in using your UW-Madison NetID and password credentials before completing the survey. Once logged in, select “Report Status” under Post Graduation Outcomes. Then select your primary post-graduation plan and continue to the full First Destination Survey. You will be able to access the survey and update your response up to six months after graduation.
How long will it take to complete the survey?
We estimate the survey will take around 5 minutes to complete.
Should I fill out the First Destination Survey even if I'm unsure of my post-graduation plans?
Absolutely! You are encouraged to complete the survey even if you haven’t yet finalized your post-graduation plans. You can go back in at any time and update your response at go.wisc.edu/gradplans within six months of graduation.
Looking for assistance in figuring out your ideal post-graduation plans? Connect with a career advisor!
Will my individual survey data be publicly available?
No! Your survey responses are protected, and your individual information will not be shared publicly.
We use and share student data in the aggregate, which means the data has been combined and is presented in a summary form instead of individual responses.
Aggregate data allows us to better understand the career outcomes and experiences of all graduating students, as well as those within a specific school, college or major group.
How will the information gathered in the First Destination Survey be used?
The survey information helps the institution, career services units, and external stakeholders better assess our effectiveness in preparing students for post-graduation.
Where can I find help if I’m still figuring out my post-graduation plans?
Your career services office is here to help you figure out what comes next after graduation.
Not sure which office to make an appointment with? We’ve got you covered. Click here to find the career services office that best meets your needs!
I’m having an issue with the First Destination Survey. Who do I contact?
You can email plans@provost.wisc.edu and we’ll be happy to assist you with any issues!